Be part of something great.
Great things happen when you pair caring adults with kids most in need of inspiration, kindness and support.
Become a Mentor.
Mentors change lives. Our mentors are the heart of our program and they are people just like you. They have careers, families and obligations, but still choose to spend time volunteering in their community.
Community service strengthens our bond as a society and improves the world around us – all it takes is a couple of hours per week.
Enroll a Child.
Eligible youth are between the ages of 9 and 16, currently receiving mental health services in Portland, OR, or Clark County, WA, and come from low-resource households.
Great Life Mentoring (GLM) is currently involved in a research study. Parents and mental health professionals can learn more on the youth enrollment page. You can also enroll now.
Support the Cause.
Since 2000, Great Life Mentoring has become an Evidence-Based Practice, and worked in partnership with mental health care organizations to provide nearly 100,000 hours of consistency, supportive interactions, and hope to over 1,000 young people.
This would not have been possible without our supporters. Sustaining partners are needed now to continue the work.
To read the latest news and stories from Great Life Mentoring, visit our Blog.