Fair Winds — Lauren Varney

In discovering and pursuing what is authentic to her, Lauren Varney has been adventurous and tenacious. She enjoyed growing up spending time outdoors, backpacking around the Pacific Northwest, and playing classical piano. As an adult, she enjoys sailing on the Columbia River near her home in Vancouver, Washington.

In 2022, Lauren went through the American Sailing Association’s 101 course and became basic keelboat certified. This marked the beginning of her love for sailing, continuing to race in regattas on the Columbia River year-round. She went on to complete ASA 103: Coastal Cruising and plans to continue pursuing more advanced certifications. Lauren tells us “I’ve always wanted to be strong, internally. For me, sailing is about mental toughness and personal growth, as well as teamwork. Sailing incorporates my love for adventure, my desire to be part of a team, and to be outside, experiencing nature.”

This ambitious woman is happiest while sailing on the river or cooking at home. She loves to have quiet time to be introspective and learn, usually with one (or both) of her cats, Theo and Penelope, sitting right there with her.

Lauren received her BA in Digital Technology and Culture with a second major in Humanities: Fine Arts from Washington State University Vancouver. In addition, she holds a certificate in Game Studies and Design. She is a highly motivated person.

In realizing her flaws and inadequacies, Lauren can extend grace to others. She loves talking with people transparently and from the heart. It helps to satisfy her passion for understanding herself and others. 

This person who is passionate about sincerity and going after what you believe in was inspired when she heard about Great Life Mentoring from one of her friends. She felt excited to be part of something meaningful and bigger than herself. Lauren volunteered to be a Great Life mentor more than five years ago; it has become one of her pursuits.

Lauren says her experience with Great Life Mentoring as a volunteer mentor has been “fantastic.” It is helping her grow as a person and learn about herself and others; just the kind of thing she likes to do. She is serious about this commitment where she has gained “a life-long friendship” in the child she mentors’; one she says she “cherishes with her whole heart.” 

As a long-time volunteer and intern for GLM, she officially joined the team in 2024 as a Marketing Specialist. Lauren says, “This position–which aligns with both my passions and my professional experience - has been an incredible gift to me. I feel so fortunate that I get to spend my time furthering a mission that I believe in wholeheartedly, while working alongside such dedicated, inspiring and kind-hearted people.”

Lauren is a perfect fit on the GLM team. This ambitious person is modeling enthusiasm for life to a child facing adversity, and everyone around her. She is following her intuition to a great life. 


Unconditional Care — Warren Higley


A Champion of Youth Mentoring — Dr. David DuBois