Having Something to Look Forward to Improves Your Life

Being born into the world effected by drugs in her system has greatly affected the growth and learning abilities of one of our girls. On top of that, she has experienced instability in her living environments, the foster care system, depression, anxiety and more.

But to look at her, you wouldn’t know the struggle. This girl is as cute and as sweet as can be. When she is with her mentor she has a bright smile and is enjoying herself. She says her mentor is “always kind and listens to what I have to say. I look forward to seeing her every week.”

The girl’s Legal Guardian tells us that the mentor makes this girl feel “extra special” and her school performance, attendance and attitude toward school are much better since having her mentor for over a year. Her reading is better as well. Simply put, she says, “Great Life Mentoring is a blessing to her life.”

This mentor and young girl expect to be life-long friends and that is making all the difference.

Being a Great Life mentor will enrich the life of a child who needs you. It will give you both something to look forward to every week and we all know that positive anticipation improves mental health and well being.

Mentors are needed now - Please apply - Volunteer Vancouver WA and Volunteer Portland OR


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