
The following vignettes are true. Each one was written about a child in Great Life Mentoring. We want you to have an understanding of who the program serves and how it benefits them. These are just a few of the hundreds of children we’ve served since 2000. One of our 16-year old boys lost his mother to a drug overdose and was abandoned by his father. He receives mental health services for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  He was isolated and not attending school, because of anxiety, when we matched him with his mentor. Now, after being with his mentor over two years, he is attending school on a regular basis. By his own initiative, he chose to work with his his mentor on a list of school goals to accomplish. He is inspired by his mentor and hopes to become a mechanic one day. One of our 17-year old girls went to live in foster care because her mom and dad are in prison. She has built walls of self-protection, thinking she couldn’t trust anyone. She was matched with her mentor who is consistent, stable and believes the best in her. This mentor was the only person not paid to be in our girls’ life. Our girl was moved to three different foster homes and two group homes in the past nine months but her mentor kept track of her and has been present every week. Our girl whole-heartedly trusts her mentor now, knowing she is one person that is really there for her. Her mentor is currently helping her look for volunteer opportunities because she wants to help others like her mentor has helped her. One of our 12-year old girls lived in a home with severe verbal abuse and anger from her father. She was struggling in school and her parents divorced. She was receiving mental health services for depression, we matched her with her mentor two years ago. Her mentor provides support and encouragement weekly and now our girl is thriving in school. She received top grades last year and says she wants to be a veterinarian. Her mentor is there to cheer her on in this aspiration as well as in daily life. One of our 18-year old girls was rejected by her dad. She faced going to foster care, but decided to live with her Great Life mentor has been providing stability, emotional support and encouragement for three and a half years. Despite family turmoil and constant belittling, she persevered and graduated from high school. This resilient teenager will be attending community college in the fall. One of our 11 year-old boys said his former role models have all been sent to prison for committing crimes. Now that he has a Great Life Mentor, he has a positive, consistent and stabilizing force in his life. Noticing this boy has intellectual abilities; the mentor has incorporated stimulating projects into their time together. They enjoy building models and created a submission for a science fair. This boy is now able to see himself as having a future different from his former path. One of our 17-year old boys has been suffering from PTSD. As a result, this teenage boy had an extremely difficult time attending school. He has had a Great Life mentor for two and a half years, which has been instrumental in helping him return to school and set goals for himself. Although the mentor had to move over two hours away he still makes a monthly trip so they can continue their relationship. One of our 13 year-old boys was referred to the program as a victim of verbal and physical abuse. He wanted to be involved with school activities and sports. We had the honor of matching him with a 4Results’ mentor who has been by his side, attending most games and practices, and providing support like no one else in his life. At the end of the season the boy’s teammates voted him team captain for the following year. His mentor was there to witness this great joy and they celebrated together. One of our 14 year-old girls has been homeless before and she is facing it again. She knows some of what to expect in these circumstances and has anxiety about attending a new school. Her mentor is arranging for the two of them to tour the school together so she can get comfortable with the new surroundings. Every week when they spend time together the girl has the chance to get away from the stress of life and enjoy herself. It is her mentoring day that she looks forward to each week. One of our 10 year-old boys has experienced much rejection and physical abuse. By having a Great Life mentor he has a friend who he can trust. His mentor is faithful to be there for him every week, allowing the boy to experience a safe, healthy relationship. He also gets to play basketball with is mentor, which is his favorite thing to do. When these two are together the boy really gets a chance to be himself and feel secure.  Picture your Great Life Mentoring story here and apply to be a Great Life Mentor Now!   


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