Help a Child Feel Important

One of our boys, who already had self-esteem issues, waited on the mentoring referral list fornearly a year before getting a Great Life Mentor. Unfortunately that’s a common problem,nation-wide. There just aren’t enough men volunteering to help the boys who need them somuch. But one man in our community stepped up to be the “strong male role model” this boy’smental health therapist said he needed. She told us the boy needed help with his very-negativeself-image.

Great Life Mentoring is fortunate to partner with a variety of organizations who care about our kids. The YMCA allows our volunteers to use their facilities with the child they mentor, and this mentor match loves to play basketball. That’s perfect, because the Portland Trail Blazers gave us tickets so the mentor and friend could attend a game together!

It might seem simple, just playing ball with a child, but it’s actually changing his life. Everyweek, these guys get together for just a couple of hours, and the boy says it makes him feelimportant. His mom told us it has actually improved her son’s self-esteem. He is more confidentnow, and she says his mentor gives him hope for the future.

If you want to help a child feel important and have hope for the future, contact Great Life Mentoring. We’ll show you how it’s done, and you’re likely to have fun while you do it!


An Anchor for the Soul


The US Department of Justice Identifies Great Life Mentoring as a Program That Works