An Anchor for the Soul

Kate met Libby when she was going through some very troubled years as a teenager. It was a rough time for her, having drug addicted parents and bouncing around from one parent to another - sometimes to a relative’s house. She had a tremendous lack of trust and stability in her life; chaos was the norm. But through it all, she saw her Great Life mentor, Libby, once a week. After their first year together, Kate told Libby, “I know I’m not alone in life because I have you.”

As the years went by, Kate didn’t engage as much with her mentor, but she knew Libby wasthere. Libby continued to reach out to her friend - she sent cards in the mail to the differentaddresses she had. Her message was consistent, “Thinking of you; I’d love to see you; I’m herefor you; Call me anytime.” Libby kept her phone number the same and after seven years shereceived a voicemail from Kate.

Kate’s voicemail said that she missed Libby and wondered if she would still like to get together.Libby was enthusiastic to reply and the two of them met for lunch. It was natural andcomfortable for them to talk together.

Kate works full time now, has her own family and owns her own home. She has worked hard andknows she’s come a long way. She told Libby that she had been examining her life and thinkingabout what was missing. She determined that it was Libby’s positive influence she was missing,and that prompted her to call. The two ladies, now both adults, are delighted to be back in touch.

Kate says she would like to become a mentor for Great Life Mentoring someday because, she says, “It really works!”

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The Secret to a Great Life Begins With You!


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