Nancy Newland, Emerging

“The skills that matter in mentoring are the soft skills,” Nancy says, “things like emotional intelligence, a willingness to listen, loving-kindness, patience and steadfastness.” Not only is she right, but she has these qualities in abundance.

For the first half of her career, Nancy Newland was a biologist and a high school science teacher. After that adventure, she went back to school and started a graphic design business. Her view is that life is long and you can do many things!

She considers her biggest accomplishment to be raising three strong, kind children to adulthood, along with a long, strong marriage and an enduring faith. Once her children were grown, she found that she still had plenty of mentoring energy left. It was then that she began looking for a deep, fun and challenging volunteer opportunity.

Nancy likes tangible, physical projects with a beginning, middle and a well-defined end. She is a practical, creative and insightful person. She took her volunteer search seriously.

As Nancy explored potential volunteer opportunities, she found that Great Life Mentoring had an organizational structure she appreciated. She witnessed that, “They respect the volunteer’s time, they are organized and communicate well. They have well-defined parameters and guidelines, yet there is great freedom within the parameters. Great Life Mentoring is an organization full of friendly people with gratitude for the volunteers.” These things make for a rewarding experience so, she signed up!

That was nearly two years ago. Today Nancy describes the journey of a mentoring relationship to be like any other, “paved with goodwill, hard work, understanding and patience. But, mostly it is doing the time… persevering.” Nancy is one of the 87% of Great Life mentors who made a 12-month commitment and, at the end of that time, decided to continue mentoring. Her time of care and influence in her friend’s life was not over.

She says, “the sheer power of my reliable presence in this child's life is of great impact. It sneaks up on you one day….this child is my friend!” At first it seemed like a one-sided friendship, but then she took a clear look at herself and realized the gifts her friend had given to her.

Nancy Newland and her friend, 2019. Photo by: Thomas Boyd

One of those gifts, she says, is “the great satisfaction to watch my friend grow in wisdom and stature.” She has witnessed her friend mature and embrace her challenges with growing courage and determination. “This,” Nancy says, “was through no expertise on my part. Just a calm, confident, supportive companionship - and time together.”

Though her friend has many challenges, Nancy provides her friend with a glimpse of a healthy way of being. The rest, Nancy wisely understands, is out of her control. She says, “I am careful to stay completely within my sphere of influence.” That respect will keep the two in a healthy relationship and empower powerful growth.

Imagine - the transformation of a child, supported by the steadfast loving-kindness of a mentor… and then the mentor realizes she too has been changed. Nancy’s story is a quintessential example of the Great Life Mentoring model.

Great Life Mentoring cultivates meaningful relationships where children facing adversity – and the adults who mentor them – live happier, healthier lives.

Fill out the application now and become a mentor - the life you change may be your own!


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